We strongly recommend that you backup your installation file to some form of removable media. To download the ISO installation file, please read the instructions below. Customers are permitted to generate a total of two temporary download links. Your temporary download link will last for 48 hours.Please verify the file size once your download is complete. The setup program cannot be run until it is fully downloaded.Unless you have a very fast and stable internet connection, we highly recommend using one of the many free download managers available for PCs and for Macs.The download file is very large (20 GB) and depending on the speed of your connection, may take many hours, or over a day, to complete.Please keep the following in mind when downloading the installation file: If you do not have your code, you may contact us. The activation code is of the form BW10-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEE and was sent to you when you originally ordered the program.